1907-1908 Academic Catalog

44 CEDARVII,LE COLLEGE . BEQUESTS. We urge upon the friends of Cedarville College the propriety of remembering it in their wills, and if possible of contributing to its endowment at once. "\:Ve need $75,000. Sums of money or property amounting to $500 or o,·er, will be funded, if so <lesirecl in the name of the giver, and the interest alone used. It will thus become a per– petual memorial. Twenty thousand dollars will establish a chair i11 the name of the donor. FORM OF BEQUESTS. I give and lJequeath to " The Cedarville College. Cedardlle, Ohio," the sum of$ . . . . , or the following property (here specify and describe the property) for the uses and purposes for which said corporation is authorized by law to acquire and hold property, and the receipt of the Treasurer of saicl College sha11 be a sufficient <1is– charge to 1ny executor. For other particulars address, DAVID l\1cKINNEY, D. D., P1esidcnt, 1038 "\Vesley Avenue, Cincinnati, 0., or "\V. R. l\JcCHESN"EY, Secretary, Ce<larville, 0.