1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. memorial to his son, James Lyons, who gave his life as a sacrifice to his country during the Civil War. THE McLEOD MEMORIAL FUND. In the articles of union of the Twelfth Street Reformed Presbyterian Church with the Scotch Presbyterian Church, New York City, provision was made by the trustees of the united congregation to pay to Cedarville College the interest on $5,000 on May 14th and November 14th, each year, from the McLeod Memorial Fund, in memory of Drs. Alexander McLeod and John Neil McLeod, father and son, distin– guished ministers of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, whose combined pastorates of the Twelfth Street New York congregation covered the period from 18o1 to 1874. The Presbytery of New York and Vermont also donated $2,000 to the College to the same revered memory. INCOME. The income of the College consists of the interest from its endowment, voluntary subscriptions and offerings from friends, collections from the different congregations under the care of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and the tuition of the students. The College needs and should now have $75,000 to do what it wants to do for its patrons. The College is pledged to a Christian education along all lines. Reader, you may not be able to give all or even a considerable amount of the $75,000, but you can give something and you can not bestow your gifts where they will be more heartily appreciated, better used, and result in such permanent good to humanity. Consider this a call from the Lord for the bestowment of your goods. -10-