1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. there are a first-class tennis court, baseball and football grounds. Several basketball clubs representing both sexes are usually organized from year to year. They conduct their games in the Alford Memorial. An Athletic Associa– tion, formed by the students, helps to stimulate field sports. T he College authorities will promptly check any tendency to brutality or excess in athletic contests. This can be done the more easily since the students recognize that the Faculty sympathizes and is ready to co-operate with them in pro– moting legitimate and healthful sport. Students deficient in their studies will not be permitted to participate in inter– collegiate games. LITERARY SOCIETIES. T he P hiladelphian Society was organized in the Fall of 1894, and the Philosophic during the Fall of 1895. Both societies have been making successful progress. They occupy two large, well furnished halls in the third story of the new College building. One-ha!f of a true education consists in literary training. These societies are under the control of the students. Thus having the management in their own hands, they will tend to develop originality and independence of thought and action. During the past few years the societies have beautified their halls at the expense of several hundred dollars. Literary exercises are required and credits given in the same in order to secure credits in class work. BIBLE READING CONTEST. Through the generosity of Rev. John Alford, D .D., Beaver Falls, P~.• and Mr. George Nevin, Marissa, Ill., a -I◄-