1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CBDARVILLC COLLEGE. tions of parliamentary law. T he club has prospered since its start and much good is looked for in the future. THE GAVELYT E. No one thing contributes more to the broadening of a student's life than a live college paper. It brings him into contact with other colleges and it supplies him with a medium for the expression of his opinions and furnishes him valuable training. Such we believe is "TnE GAVELYTE," the first number of which appeared in January, 1go6. lt has increased in size and interest with each number and has already become an important agent to the student body. Edited and managed, as it is, by the students themselves, it is typically representative of their thought and motive. REL IGIOUS A DVANT AGES. There are four flourishing churches in town: Methodist Episcopal, United Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian (Synod), Reformed Presbyterian (General Synod). Each of these churches maintains a young people's prayer meeting once a week. Ninety-five per cent. of the students in attend– ance this year are professed Christians. All students are required to attend the church designated by their parents, who arc requested to send their written wishes as to what church their children shall attend. \•Ve welcome students of all Christian denominations. T he enticements to sin, so plentiful in large cities and over-crowded colleges, are not found here. THE STUDENT S' M IN ISTERIA L CLUB. During the Fall term of 19o6, the Students' Ministerial Club was organized. It is composed of students who have -16-