1908-1909 Academic Catalog

Cf.iDARV!LLE COLLEGE. the gospel ministry in view. Its purpose is mutual helpful– ness by word and example, to interest others in taking up the ministry, to do personal work both in the College and town, and to organize like clubs in other colleges. It meets in 3 business and devotional capacity once each month. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI ATION. The Y. l\l. C. A. of Cedarville College was organized l\farch 12, 1907. Like all similar societies it extends the helping hand physically, intellectually. morally, and spirit– ually to all the young men, thereby aiming to develop the whole man in the truest and best sense. Its devotional and business meetings are held twice a month. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Cedarville College makes no pretension to do the work of a university. 1t is content to take its place with the smaller colleges of the land. But it docs promise its patrons to do well and thoroughly whatever it claims to do. A college course is not in itself an education. lt only opens the doors of a liberal education for the student. It is a Leginning. not an end. This beginning we claim to be able to furnish. A university may have hundreds of teachers in its faculty, thousands of volumes in its library, and the most costly apparatus and extensive laboratories. But the students will come in contact with only a few of the pro– fessors, read a few of the books, use a few o f the appliances. All of these he may find here. The small colleges have done and are doing a great work. They have educated men eminent in Theology, Law, Medicine; Presidents, Judges, - 17 -