1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLE.GE . recitation until he pays his dues or makes satisfactory arrangements with the Treasurer for them. 5. All students are required to be punctual and regular in their attendance at chapel, College prayer-meeting, recitations, and all other exercises of the College. 6. Students are graded daily on recitations, punctuality, and general deportment. Unannounced tests are given from time to time in studies pursued during the term. Students who fail either in daily grade or the averages of their tests in any study will be required to take the subject over in class to secure credit. ( See rules 7 and I 2 also.) 7. Students' punctuality and deportment are included in the recitation grade. The passing grade in recitation and tests is 65 per cent. for each. 8. Punishment for violation of College law, abuse of privileges, trespassing, or destruction of property, shall be inflicted as the case may require, by admonition, suspension, dismission, or expulsion. 9. Punctual attendance is required on the first day. Failure to be present results seriously to class standing. New students are requested to present themselves, if pos– sible, at least one day before the opening of the term. IO. At the close of each term, statements with reference to the students' standing in classes, scholarship, attendance, and deportment will be forwarded for examination to the parents or guardians. 1 1. As many justifiable absences will be allowed each term in any subject as the number of hours it recites a week. 12. All students are required to become active members of the literary societies, and each student must receive sixty– five credits a term in order to secure credits in class work. -19-