1908-1909 Academic Catalog

• CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. SOPHOMORE Y EAR. FIRST TERM. SCIENCE-Chemistry, McPherson and Henderson, 55. r 1\.•IAT;EMATICS-Analytical Geometry, Tanner and Allen, 45. i EcoNomcs-Principles, Gide, 35. l CoM::RATIVE Govf.RNMENT-The State, Wilson, 39. LATIN-Horace, Odes and Satires, Chase and Stuart, 4. *GREEK--Memorabilia, \Vinans, IO. *GE:RMAN-Harzreise, Van Dael], 50. Brnu:-The Hebrew Kingdoms, Poets, and Prophets, Steele, 63. Scn:NC!c-Chemistry, Laboratory Work, Noyes, 56. { MATHF:~IAT1cs-Calculus, Young and Linebarger, 4,6. o, Ai,n:1UCAN HIS'l'ORY-Colonial, Fisher, 20. LATIN-Tacitus, Germania and Agricola, Allen, 5. *Gu:~:K-Plato's Apology, Dyer, r 1. •c~:RMAN-Tcll, Lambert, 48. Brnu:;-The Hebrew Kingdoms, Poets, and Prophets, Steele, 63. Sc1F.NCF:-Chemistry, Laboratory Work, Noyes, 57. ~ MATHEMATICs-Calculus, Young and Linebarger, 46. o, AMERICAN H1sTORY-The Revolution, Sloane, 21. LATIN-J uvenal, Lindsay, 6. *GR£f:K-Plato's Crito, Dyer, I l. *GERMAN-Leberecht Huhnchen, Bernhardt, 51. BIBLE-T he Hebrew Kingdoms, Poets, and Prophets, Steele, 63. •Creek for Classical, German for Philosophical Course. -25-