1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 4,8. TELI.,-Drill work in poetry. Study of German drama. Second term of Sophomore year. Five ho11rs a week. 49. FAUST-Study of German tragedy and speculative philos– ophy. Third term of Freshman year. Five hoitrs a week. 50. HARZR£1S£-German prose. Study of social life, liberalism, etc. First term of Sophomore year. Five ho11rs a week. 51. LEBERECHT HUHNCHEN-Ninetccnth century prose. Revival of letters. Modern thought and art. Grammar drill throughout the Third term of Sophomore year. Five hottrs a week. FRENCH. PRO~'ESSOR ]URKAT. 52. LESSONS-Drill in paradigms and syntax. First and second terms of the Senior year. Five lio1trs a ivceJ.,_ 53. STORIES-Rapid reading in easy French prose. Third term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. The course in French is elective. HEBREW. PROFESSOR ]URKAT. 54. LESSONS-Drill in foundations of the language; etymology, syntax, and paradigms. Reading in Genesis. Three terms of the Senior year. Five hoairs a week. The course is elective. NATURAL SCIENCE. PROFESSORS FITZPATRICK ANO ]URKA'f. 55. CHEMISTRY-This course is an introduction to the study of general chemistry. An extended study is made of Oxygen, Chlorine, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Carbon, the more important of the acid– forming elements, which are best adapted to illustrate the general principles of chemistry. Special attention is paid to the laws gov– erning chemical action. The fundamental principles of chemistry having been learned, the elements are now studied in groups, and the special characteristics of each group obtained. Sufficient time is -35-