1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVII.LE COLLEGE. ENGLISH BIBLE. 62. PATRIARCllAL AND HtnRF.W HISTORY-From the creation to the death of Solomon. Entire Freshman year. Q,ic ho11r a week. 63. Tiu; I-h:nRtw KINGDOMS, POF.TS , AND PROPHETS-From the revolt of the ten tribes to the return from Babylonian Captivity, together with the poetic and prophetic books. Entire Sophomore year. One hour a week. 64. THE Ln·i,; 01' CHRIST-Entire J unior year. One hour a week. 65. PROP,\GATJON 01' THF. GosrF.L-Entirc Senior year. o,~e hour a week. PEDAGOGY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. PRon:ssoRs ALI.EN AND 1\kCm,:sm,:v. 66. H !STORY 01: EnuCATION-A thorough study of the history of education forms the basis of the course in the science and art of teaching. The cd11cational systems and ideals of Oriental and class– ical nations, of Medi~val Europe and of modern times arc consid– ered in their bearings on present problems. First term. Five hours a week. 67. THE ART o~· TF.ACHINC-This course takes up the leading and fundamental principles of education and shows how they arc to be applied in a practical way. Second term. Five hours a week. 68. SCHOOi, l\• IANAGEMF.NT -School government and discipline, with the practical application of principles and with concrete illus– trations, arc the subjects of study. Third term. Five hours a week. 6g. SCHOOi. SurERVISION-This course is intended primarily for those preparing for positions as superintendents or principals, but will be helpful to all teachers. It treats of school administration and supervision. First term. Five hours a week. 70. THE R1,c1TATJON-A thorough study is made of the reci– tation, dealing with the best methods of developing the power of tho11ght and the acquisition of knowledge. Second term. Five hours a week. 71. RF.ADING CIRCLE T exT-The last term of the year is devoted -37-