1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. to a searching study of whatever text on pedagogy is prescribed in the Ohio Teachers' Reading Circle Course for the current year, thereby preparing the student for teachers' examinations and at the same time giving him some knowledge of the most recent thought on the theory and practice of teaching. Third term. Five hours a week. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. FIRST Y EA R. The figures to the right of the subject refer to the courses de– scribed in the pages immediately following this outline. FIRST TERM. ENc1.1s11-Highcr Lessons, Recd and Kellogg, &>. HISTORY-General (to Medi.eval), Myers, 85. MATH~:MAT1cs-Algcbra, Wentworth's Elements, 92. LATIN-First Lessons, Jones; Grammar, Bennett, j2. SECOND T ERM. ENGLISH- Higher Lessons, Recd and Kellogg, 81. l-11STORY-Gencral (completed), Myers, 86. MATIIEMATtcs-Algebra, VVcntworth's Elements, 92. LATIN-First Lessons, Jones; Grammar, Bennett, 73. THIRD TF.RM. ENGLISH-Higher Lessons, Reed and Kellogg, 82. Sc1t:NCF.-Physical Geography, Gilbert and Brigham, Sg. MATHEMATICS-Algebra, Wentworth's Elements, 92. LATIN-J unior Latin, Rolfe and Denison, 74.