1908-1909 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. LATIN. PRon:ssoRS Au.r.N ,\ND MCCHESNEY. 72. LF.SSONS-ln the first term, the declension of nouns, ad– jectives, and pronouns; the comparison of adjectives and adverbs: two regular conjugations and vocabulary and exercises from Latin into English .ire drilled llllO!l. Pive hours a week. 73. In the second term the regular conjugations arc completed. The irregular conjugations, sentence exercises from Latin into Eng– lish and English into Latin, short stories and vocabulary, constitute the work. Five ho11rs a <.t·ecl.•. 74. In the third term, fables, Roman history, and comµosition, with a review of vocabulary and inflections, arc studied. Ffr:c hours a week. 75- JUNIOR LATIN BOOK-Translation of fables, Roman history, Viri Roma::, Nepos, C:.esar, and composition, together with a review of paradigms and syntax, form the work of the class. First term of Senior Preparatory year. Fi;,;c hours a t:-t·ck. 76. v~:11c11.-Rules of prosody, scanning, syntax, mythology, his– torical allusions. composition and scansion of the A::neid are required. Second term of the Senior Preparatory year. Five hours o tt•eck. 77. VF.11c11.--The study of the .iF.neid is continued for the pur– J}()Se of cultivating a taste for the poetry of Vergil and to compass the outline of the poem. Grammatical drill occupie~ much of the time. Third term of the Senior Preparatory year. Five ho11rs 11 week. GREEK. 78. LESSONS-Constant drills in accent, breathing, pronunciation. paradigms, vocabulary, and the translation of Greek sentences and iitories into English and of English sentences into Greek. A simple -40-