1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. and connccled series of stories from the Anabasis amply prepares the student for the rapid reading of the Anabasis. First and second terms of Senior Preparatory year. Fiv·c hours a week. 79: ANARAS1s-With the completion of the lessons the student is introduced to the Anabasis. A review of paradigms, syntax, and Greek history is required. Third term of the Senior Preparatory year. Five J,014rs a week. ENGLISH. PROFESSOR l\foRRIS. So. HICP.ER LESSONS-The first term presents work in diagram, punctuation, analysis, transposition, and abridging. First term J unior P reparatory year. Five hours a week. 81. H1cHER Li::ssoNs-Thc same text is continued. The work consists of sentence analysis, inAcctions, technical and correct expres– sion. Second term of the Junior Preparatory year. Five hours a week. 82. H1GHF.R LF.sso:--s-Parsing, synthesis, syntax, and formal expression arc studied. Third term of the J unior Preparatory year. Five ho1trs a wee~·. 83. RH1'1'0R1c-The simpler kinds of composition are treated with abllndant practice in the choice of words, construction of sen– tences and paragraphs, and the writing of letters and brief essays. First term of Senior Preparatory year. Five hours a week. 84. RHETORIC-The work of the term treats of longer forms of composition-narration, description, exposition, and argum('ntation– and deals with the main principles of rhetorical technique. The prac– tical needs of every-day life arc constantly in ,,icw, and work of the pupil is brought into the closest relation both with his own expe– rience and with his study of literature. Second term of Senior Pre– paratory year. Five ho11rs a wee!..•. H ISTORY. PR.OJ 'F.SSOR ALLEN. 85. CF.NF.RAT, HISTORY-The ancient nations arc studied. Rome and Greece occupy most of the term's work. Frequent library ref– - 41 -