1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILU'. COLLEGE. TEACHERS' COURSE. FIRST YEAR. The figures to the right of the subject refer to the courses de– scribed in the departments of study. FIRST TERM. E:-.cr,1s11 GRAM MAR-Higher Lessons, Reed and Kellogg, So. l-l1STORv-Gcncral (to Mcdireval), ::\•lyers, 85. LATIN-First Lessons, Jones; Grammar, Bennett, 72. Pnvs101..ocv-~•lartin, 90. Bwu:-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, Steele, 62. SECOND TERM. EKCLISH GRAMMAR-Higher Lessons, Recd and Kellogg, 8 1. H1sTORY-Gcncral (Completed), l\•fycrs, 86. LATIN-First Lessons, Jones; Grammar, Bennett, 73- c~:OGRAPHY-Political and Descriptive, Frye, 88. Bmu:-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, Steele, 62 ENGLISH GRAMMAR-Higher Lessons, Recd and Kellogg, 8:2. PHYSICAL GWCRAl'HY-Gilbert and Brigham, 8g. LATIN-J unior Book, Rolfe and Denison, 74. ARITUMF.'l'lc-White, 9r. Bun.e-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, Steele, 62. - 45-