1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. THIRD YEAR, FIRST TF.RM . ENGLISH LITERATURE-Painter, JO. PsvcHOLOGv-Presentation and Representation, Porter, 14 ALCEORA-Wentworth's Elements, 93. l PHYSICS-Principles, Gage, 61. o, PEDAGOGY-School Supervision, Chancellor, 6g. Brnu:-The Life of Christ, Steele, 64. SECOND TERM. ENGLISH LITERATURE-Painter, JI. PSYCHOLOGY-Thought and Intuition, Porter, 15. PLANE G£OMETRY-Wentworth, 94. l PHvs1cs-Principles, Gage, 61. o, PEDAGOGY-The Recitation, l\IcMurry, 70 BIBLE-The Life of Christ, Steele, 64. THIRD TtRM. AMERICAN LITERATURE-Painter, 32. PsvcttoLOGv-Intellect, Feeling, Desire, \.Viii, Davis, 16 PEDAGOGY-Reading Circle Text, 71. SoLID GF.OMtTRY-Wentworth, 94. Brnu:-The Life of Christ, Steele, 64. -47-