1908-1909 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF ORATORY. FRANK S. Fox, A.M., Prfocipal Colilmb11s School of Orator3•. Evcr_v voice can be developed and cultured. The more intelligent the student, the more rapid his progress. A good speaker must have the power of intellect, of cmotio11, and of will. 'l'hc purpose of this department and the object of the teacher are the development and cultivation of all the powers of expression. I. 'fhc careful and complete development and cultivation of all the muscles and organs used in voice production, viz.: Breathing-For vigor and energy of speech. Vocal Calisthenics-For ease, firmness, and rluency of utterance. Vocal Drill-For fuJlncss, depth, and purity of tone. .\rticulation-For distinctness and accuracy of utterance. Fitch and Force of Vocality-For modulation, melody, and power. Subvocality and Aspiration-For strength and emphasis. Time, Respiration, and Pause-For " "\t11ralncss, case, and action. Concentration of Tone-For intensity and energy. 11. Physical development. The entire body must be developed and brought under the com– plete control of the mind. Gesture-Gymnastic movements, Delsarte System of Gesture, studies in facial expression, bodily expression, and study of character. TIT. rilcntal and Emotional and Control. Analysis of emotions and passions. J\lental conccmration and energy. Study of prose, poetry, and Shakespearian selections, etc. IV. Training for Artistic and Dramatic Recitals. The ltalian system of Voice Culture is taught. A text-book is used for class work. One public recital is given each term, in which all the pupils take part. Tuition, 90 cents a lesson for twelve lessons. Single lessons, $1.00 each. Class work, $3.00 for twelve lessons.