1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. EXPENSES IN COLLEGE DEPARTMENTS. Tuition-First term, 14 weeks .. Tuition-Second term, JI weeks........ .. . .. . . . Tuition-Third term, 11 weeks .. Incidental expenses ($1.50 per term) .. . .. $ 8.so 7.50 7-50 450 Boarding, per week, from.. . ............... $z.oo to 3.50 Rooms, per week, from . . . .50 cents to 1.00 Books, per year, from.. . .$5.00 to 10.00 Graduation fee, payable with tuition in Third Senior term.. 5.00 Fee for cost of materials in study of Chemistry.. 5.00 Charges to be deposited, and after breakage has been deducted remainder will be repaid.. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES FOR A YEAR, Lowest Cost. Boarding, 36 weeks, $2.00 to $3.00 per week...... $72.00 Room rent, 36 weeks, 50 cents to $1.00 per week. 18.00 Tuition for the year.. 23.50 Contingent fees.. 4.50 3.00 Highest Necessary Cost. $1o8.oo 36.00 23.50 4.50 Total.. . .. .. ..$I18.00 $172.00 Laundry and fuel approximately $15.00 for 36 weeks. The above is for board, furnished room, fuel, and light in private families. Students who board themselves or join boarding clubs can reduce the cost much lower. Club boarding is popular among college students.