1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. MUSEUM. A number of valuable curiosities from the different por– tions of this country, Europe and Asia have been collected and form a nucleus for a museum. Persons having in their possession curios of animal or geological formation are hereby earnestly requested to contribute them to the College museum, and thus help us to the completion of tJur collection. SOCIAL ANO RELIGIOUS LIFE. LECT U RES AN D ENTERTAINMENTS. The Lecture Course is under the direct supervision of the College Literary Societies. The best talent of our country and of foreign lands is secured. The course is very popular, and it will be the aim to make it better each season. In addition to the College Lecture Course, other societies oi Cedarville usually bring first-class talent. The students, therefore, have opportunity to hear the best public speakers and entertainers of the day. In addition, chapel lectures are given every Friday by members of the Faculty and others. ATH L ETICS. Athletic exercises are encouraged by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees. They are under the personal supervision of the President of the College and the Director of Ath– letics. On the College campus there are a tennis court, baseball and football grounds. Several basketball clubs rep– .resenting both sexes are usually organized from year to -13-
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