1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARV!LLEi COLLEGE OUTLINE OF COURSES. The figures to the right of the subjects refer to the courses described in the Departments of Study immediately following this outline. Four hours a week are rec1uirecl in each subject of the Freshman year and three hours a week in each subject of the remaining Collegiate years. FRESHMAN YEAR. First Semester. Classical. Philosophical. Scientific. Literary. Greek, 31. German, 27. French, 23. French, 23. Latin, 42. Latin, 42. German, 27. German, 27. English, 15. English, 15. English, 15. English, 15. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. :Mathematics, 49. Mathematics, 49. Mathematics, 49. Mathematics, ~9 Second Semester. Classical. Philosophical. Scie11tific. Literary. Greek, 32. German, 28. French, 23. French, 23. Latin, 43. Latin, 43. German, 28. German, 28. English, 16. English, 16. English, 16. English, 16. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. Chemistry, 6. Mathematics, 50. Mathematics, 50. Mathematics, 50. Mathematics, 50. Classical. Creek, 33. English, 17. Physics, 6.t– Bible, 2. 2 Electives. SOPHOMORE YEAR. First Semester. Philosophical. German, 29. English, i7. Physics, 64. Bible, 2. 2 Electives. Scientific. Literary. French, 24- French, 24. German, 29. German, 29. Physics, 64. Physics, (¼. Bible, 2. Bible, 2. Mathematics, 51. English, 17. 1 Elective. 1 Elective. -21-