1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ELECTIVE COURSES. A wide range of elective courses is offered, as the following list will show. The figures to the right of the subjects refer to the courses described in the department of study of the Collegiate and Preparatory Departments. ASTJI.ONOMY, J. BIBLE, 3 CHEMISTRY: Qualitative Analysis, 7. Quantitative Analysis, 8. EcONOMICS: Practical Economics, 10. Trusts and Monopolies, 11. Labor Problems, 12. Finance and Banking, 13. Economic History of the United States, 14. ELOCUTION, 54- ENCLISB: English Literature, 17. American Literature, 18. English Poetry, 19. Shakespeare, 20. The Essay, 21. The Novel, 22. FRF.NCH: Elementary, 23. Reading and Conversation, 24. Reading and Composition, 25. GEOLOGY, 26. GERMAN: Elementary, 79. Reading and Composition, So. Wilhelm Tell, 81. Schiller, 27. Heine, 28. GREEK: Elementary, 82. Anabasis, 83. Homer, 84. Herodotus, JI. Memorabilia, 32. Plato, 33. Demosthenes, 34. HEBREW, 35. HISTORY: Ancient, 36. Modern, 37. Colonial, ,38. American Revolution, 39. Formation of American Union, 40. Geographical, 41. Economic, 14. HISTORY OF EDUCATION, 55. LATIN: Cicero, 42. Livy, 43. Quintilian, 44. Horace, 45. Tacitus, 46. Juvenal, 47. MATHEMATICS: Analytical Geometry, 51. Calculus, 52. Goethe, 29, 30. Music, 53. - 29-
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