1909-1910 Academic Catalog

ORATORY, S4. PEDAGOGY: CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Pot,ITICAL Scnwcr.: History of Education, 55. Principles of Pedagogy, 56. School 1\1anagemcnt, 57. School Supervision, 58. Comparative Go,•ernment, 66. International Law, 67. i\lunicipal Government, 68. Party Government, 6!). SocIOLOGY: PHILOSOPHY, 63. PsvcHOl.OCY, 6o. P HYSICS, 65. Social Psychology, 71. Socialism, 72. Social Problems, 73. Charities and Corrections, 74- ASTRONOMY. PROFESSOR PALMER. I. Gt:NF.RAL ASTRONOMY-The course is descriptive, and deals with planets and their movements, the sun, meteors, comets, and other heavenly bodies. The text is Young's ~lanual. Required of Seniors in the Scientific Course: elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in the other courses. Three lw11rs a week. first semcslcr. BIBLE. PROJ'lcSSORS l\lcCH~:SNF.Y llKD T,\YLOR. 2. ENCLISH BmLF.-Patriarchal and Hebrew History, the He• brew kingdoms. poets, and prophets, the Life of Christ, and the Propagation of the Gospel will compose the course. Required of Sophomores. T he text is Steele's Outlines. Thrrc hours o week througho11t the Sophomore year. 3. Eu:cr,vF. BrnL~:-Considcrablc ad\•anced work in Bible is offered in courses to be agreed upon between the classes and the prokssor. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. 011r ho11r a week thro11gl1011! the )'Car. BIOLOGY. PROFt'.SSOR PAl,M~:R. 4. GF.NF.RAI, 810LOCY-This course embraces a study of the anatomy and life history of typical animals and plants to illustrate the fundamental laws of the science. The subject is presented in -JO-