1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLli COLLEGE. lectures, recitations, and laboratory work. The text is Parker's. Required of J uniors. Three hours a week, first scmestrr. 5. BOTANY-The course includes a study of the ,,arious plant groups and of the organs and tissues and physiology of plants. Labo• rat0ry and field work is rcc1uircd. The text is Bergen's Foundations. Required of Juniors. Three ho11rs a week, scco11d semester. CHEM ISTRY. P1wn:ssoR p ALM (R. 6. c~:N~:RAL C1n:~11sTRY-Thc course forms an introduction to the science, consiSting of a study of the various clements and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties, and use. The tc;,,;:t is l\lcPhcrson and Henderson's. Required of Freshmen. Four ho11rs a week tliro11gho11t the year. 7. QuA1.1TAT1v~: ANAt,vs1S-This course consists of a study of metals and acids and the tests for each, followed by practical work on salts. alloys, and other common substances. The text is 1kPher– son's Elementary Treatise on Qualitative Analysis. Required of Juniors in the Scientific Course: elective for all others who have completed General Chemistry. Thrre !tours a wed• tliro11gho11/ /he year. 8. QUANTJTATIVF. ANA1,,·s1s-This course consists of the prin– ciples of gravimetric and YOlumetric analysis, with practical work in ores, limestone, fertilizer, and technical products. The text is Clowes and Coleman's Quantitative Analysis. Elective for all who have com– pleted Qualitative Analysis. Three hours a wee!: lhro11glto11/ //ze J•ear. ECONOMICS. PROFESSOR Al.LEN. 9. PRrNCIPLF.S OF EcoNOM1cs-Production, exchange, distribu– tion, and consumption are taken up, and such subjects as labor, cap– ital, association, money, credit, commerce, collectivism. coOperation. wages, interest, and profits are carefully considered. The text is Gide. Required of Senior~. Three hours a wei•k, firs/ semester. 10. PRACTICAL EcoNOM !CS-Economic principles arc reviewed with special reference to practical affairs and problems. The text is Ely's Outlines of Economics. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours o week, fi.rst semester-. - 31-
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