1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. l I. TRUSTS AND MONOPOL1£S-The theory of monopoly and the practical operation and economic effects of trusts are made the subject of investigation. The texts are Ely's Monopolies and Trusts and Jenks' Trust Problem. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, second semester. 12. LABOR PROBLEMS-Trades unions, employers' associations, strikes, arbitration, child labor, and similar topics are considered. The text is Adams and Sumner's. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, first semester. 13. FINANCE AXD BANKrn-G-This course includes a discussion of the nature and origin of money, the principles of finance and the theory and practice of banking. The text is \Vhite's Money and Banking. Three hours a week, sccoiid semester. 14. EcoNOMIC HISTORY OF THF. UN1TF.D STATES-This course describes the economic evolution of the United States from the agri– cultural stage in colonial times to the highly complex industrial society of the present time. The text is Bogart's. Elccti,·e for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, first semester. ENGLISH. PROFESSOR SMITH. 15. RttP.TORIC-Expression of simple, fluent, and forcible English is taught. Composition, style, figures, and thought are the main subjects. Required of Freshmen. Cenung's Practical Elements and Hand-Book are the texts. Fo11r hours a week, first semester. 16. RHETORIC-Essays, debates, and continuation of text-book study. Cenung's Practical Elements and Hand-Book are the texts. Required of Freshmen. Fo11r lro11rs a week, seco11d semester. 17. ENGLISH LITERATURE-Chaucer, Spenser, Bacon, Shake– speare, Milton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Bums, Goldsmith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, \Vordsworth, and Tennyson are studied. The text is Painter's. Required of Sophomores in the Classical, Philosophical, and Literary Courses, and elective to students of the Scientific Course. Three ho11rs a week, first semester. 18. AMERICAN LITF.RATUR.E-American authors will form the basis of the course. The text is Painter's. Required of Sophomores - 32 -
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