1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILW COLLE.GE . in the Classical, Philosophical, and Literary Courses, and elective to Scientific students. Three ho11rs a week, second semestrr. 19. ENGI.ISH POF.TKY-This course includes a study of verse structure and :m analysis of selected poems; also a critical study of the early nineteenth century 1>octs, Coleridge, Scott, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Rec1uircd of Juniors in the Literary Course; elective for others. Three hours ii wee!.•, first semester. 20. SHAKF.Sr~:ARt-A carcf11l study and analysis is made of some of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies. Others are read rapidly. Written critic1ues arc required. Required of Juniors in the Literary Course; elective for others. Three lio11rs a week, second semester. 2 1. THr. EssA\'-Selected essays of Rm;kin, Emerson, and others are made the basis of the course. Collateral reading is re– quired of each student and oral reports given in class. Required of Seniors in the Literary Course; elective for others. Three hours a week, first umesler. 22. TH~: NovF.t.-The development of the novel from its earliest form to that of the modern short story is traced. Each student is required to do a certain amount of collateral reading and prepare written reviews and criticisms. Required of Seniors in the Literary Course, and elective for others. Three hours a week, seco11d semester. FRENCH. PROl'ESSOR SMITH. 23. Eu:MF.NT1\R\' F,n:Nctt-Crammar, composition and constant drill in syntax, with colloquial practice and some essay reading, con– stitute the work. The texts are Aldrich and Foster's Elementary French and Moliere's Chien du Brisquet. Required of Freshmen in the Literary and Scientific Courses. Pour ho11rs a week thro11gho1tt the year. 24. READING AND CONVl'.'.RSATI0N-Reading and colloquial prac– tice, with review of grammar, constitute the work of the course. The texts are About's La Mere de la l\farquise, l,abiche's La Crammaire, and Comfort's Exercises in French Prose Composition. Required of Sophomores in the Literary and Scientific Courses; elective for others. 1'/iree hours a week, first semester. - 33 -