1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 25. READING AND CoMPOSITION-Readmg and composition are continued. The texts are Feral's La Fee des GrCves, Paillerou's Le Monde ou l'ou p'eunine and Comfort's French Prose Composition. Required of Sophomores in the Literary and Scientific Courses. Three ho11rs a week, scco11d semester. GEOLOGY. PROFESSOR ]URKAT. 26. GE:-ERAI. GF.01.0G\'-This course takes up the different phases of the science as presented in dynamic geology with their application to historical geology. Field work is required. The text is Brigham's Revised. Required of Seniors in the Scientific Course; elective for others. Three ho11rs a week, scco11d semester. GERMAN. PROFESSOR } URKAT. 27. ScmLI.F,R-Wilhelm Tell is read, with review of grammar and hisiory. The text is Deering's. Required of Freshmen in the Philosophical. Scientifir, and Literary Courses; elective for others. Fo11r ho11rs a zc•cek, firs/ semester. :28. Hr.rnr.-Harzrcise and Poems arc read, with a study of politics and society. The text is Gregor's. Required of Freshmen in the Philosophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses; elective for others. Fo11r lio11rs a week, second semester. 29. GoETur.-Faust, Part I~ is read, with a study of its philos– ophy. The text is Thomas. Required of Sophomores in the Philo– sophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses; elccti\'e for others. Tlircc lio11rs a week, first semester. 30. GoETHF.-Faust, Part If, is read, with philosophy and phi– lology. The text is Thomas. Required of Sophomores in the Philo– sophical, Scientific, and Literary Courses; elective for others. Three ho11rs a week, second semester. GREEK, PROFESSOR } URKAT. 31. Hr.RoDOTus--Selections are read. Biography and history are studied. Peculiarities and syntax arc dwelt upon. Requirecj of -34-
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