1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARV/LI.£ COLLEGE. 57. Sc11001, l\JAN,,c~:MENT-The art of teaching and school gov– ernment and discipline, with the practical application of principles and concrete illustrations are the subjects studied. The texts are White's Art of Teaching and School Management. Required oJ students in the Teachers' Course, first semester, second year. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, first semester. 58. SCHOOL SUPERVISION-This course is intended primarily for those preparing for positions as superintendents or principals, but will be helpful to all teachers. It treats of school administration aud supervision. The text is Chancellor's Our Schools. Required of students in the Teachers' Course, second semester, second year. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a week, uco11d semester. PHILOSOPHY. PRoi:r.ssoR McCHtSNEY. 59. PS\'CHOLOGY-A course in general psychology is offered. James' Briefer Course is the text. Required of Juniors. Three ho11rs a week, first semester. 6o. PsvcHoLOGv-Electivc work is offered to all who have pur– •med Course 59. The texts arc Judd, Davis, and Porter. Three ho11rs a werk throughout the )•ear. 6r. ETHICS-Practical and theoretical Christian ethics will re– ceive attention. Virtue, freedom, duty, individual and social ethics make up the course. Required of Seniors. The text is Gregory's. Three hours a R•eek, first semester. 62. APOLOCeT1cs-Evidences of Christianity and Natural The– ology are studied. The texts are Alexander and Valentine. Required of Seniors. Three ho11rs a week, seco11d semester. 63. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY-The text is Weber's History of Philosophy. Required of Seniors in the Philosophical Course; elect– ive to others. Three ho11rs a week throughout the ,•ear. PHYSICS. PRo~·r.ssoR PALMER. 64-. GENERAL PHYSICS-Mechanics, heat, electricity, sound, and light are the chief topics studied. Lccture_s are given, and laboratory -39-
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