1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. work required. The text is I-lasting and Beach. Required of Sopho• mores. Three ho11rs a week thro"ghout tire 3•eor. 65. AovANCf.D P11Y~1cs-The course consists of recitations, lec– tures, and laboratory work along advanced lines. The text is Miller's. Elective for all who have completed General Physics. Three hours a ·week tlzro11gho11/ the year. POLITICAL SCIENCE. PROt"ESSOR ALU;N. 66. COMPARATIVE GOVER!O.!ENT-This course embraces a discus– sion of the general principles of jurisprudence and politics, · the various theories of the State, the growth of govermm·nts, their present tendencies and international relations. The text is \Vilson's The State. Elective for Sophomores, J1miors, and Sc11iors. Three ho11rs a week, first semester. 67. lNTF.RNATIONAL LAW-The origin, progress, and principles of International Law arc studied, illustrated, and thoroughly dis– cussed. The text is Davis' Elements. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three ho11rs a •week, srco11d semester. 68. MuNICll'AI, GovF. RNMF.NT- This course embraces a com– parative study of the organization and administration of city govern– ment in Europe and the United States. The texts are Shaw and Goodnow's. Elective for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a week, first semester. 6g. PARTY Gov~ :RNMF.NT -Thi~ course takes up the study of the party system in the United States, its origin, theory, and development. The text is Macy's. Elective for Sophomore~. Juniors, and Seniors. Three hours a wrrk, seco11d semester. SOCIOLOGY, PRMF.SSOR t\1,LF.N. 70. E1.F.M•'.NTS Of Soc101.oc:v-A careful study of social evolu– tion, socialization, social control, :ind social ideals is fo\lowed by an investigation of social pathology, including poverty, crime, and social degeneration, with special attention to the amelioration of social con- - 40-