1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. OUTLINE OF COURSES. Five hours a week are required in each subject. The figures to the right of the subjects refer to the courses described in the depart– ment of study immediately following this outline. First Semester. English, 76. Mathematics, 93. History, 85. Latin, 87. FIRST YEAR, Second Semester. English, 76. l\lathematics, 93. History, 86. Latin, 87. SECOND YEAR. First Semester. English, 77. ]\!athematics, 94. Civics, 75. Latin, 88. First Semester. English, 78. Mathematics, 95. Latin, Sg. Greek, 82. German, 79. THIRD YEAR, Srco11d Semrsler. English, 77. 11athematics, 94. Science, g8. Latin, 88. Seco11d Semester. English, 78. Mathematics, g6. Latin, 90. Greek, 82. German, 79- FOURTH YEAR. First Se11u.'sler. Science, 99. Mathematics, 9i– Latin, 91. Greek, 83. German, So. Seco11d Semester. Science~ 100. ~la.thematics, 9i– Latin, 92. Greek, 8.t– German, 81.