1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CE'DARVILLE COLLL,GE. DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. CIV ICS. PROl'F.SSOR ALI.F.N. 75. UN1TF.D STATF.s GovF. RNMF.NT- Thc Federal Constitution is made the basis for a study of American civil government. The text is Andrews' Manual of the Constitution. Five hours a week, first semester, second 3,·ear. ENGLISH. PROfF:SSOR SMITH AND i\,f1ss ORR. 76. GRAMMAR ANO CoMPOSITION-The diagram, analysis, punc– tuation, transposition, and abridging of sentences and inflectio11s, and composition constitute the work. The text is Reed and Kellogg's Higher Lessons in English. Five ho11rs a week tlirough- 01.t the first l'ear. 77. RHF.TORIC A:-<fl LITERATURE-The fundamental principles of Ti1etoric, supplemented by English classics, are studied. The text is Kellogg's. Five hours a week thro11gho11I Ifie seco11d JCar. 78. LITERATURE. The classics prescribed by the committe<' of colleges and secondary schools arc required. Five ho11rs II week lhr011gho11l lhe third year. GERMAN. PROFESSORS }URKAT AND SMITH. 79. LESSONS-Constant drill in inAcction and syntax is given and both oral and written work required. The text is Collar's. Five hours a week thro11gl1011f the lhird year. Elective for col– legiate students who have not had German. &>. READING AND COMPOSITION-The work consists of easy stories and constant drill in composition and syntax. The text is -43-
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