1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE. COLLE.GE. syntax form the work of the class. The text is Rolfe and Denni– son's Junior Latin Book. Five ho11rs a week througlao1,t tlte scco11d year. 89. SALLUST-The Jugurthinc War and Catiline's Conspiracy are read. The texts arc Coleridge's and Herbcrmann's. Five ho11r.s a 1.ucck, fir.st semester, third .)•Car. 90. C1n:Ro--Thc Orations against Catiline with the one For Milo are studied. The text is Harper and Gallup's. Five ho11rs a week, seco,1d semester, third year. 91. V£RGIL-The iEneid and mythology form the basis of the course. The text is Harper and ~tiller's. Five ho11rs a week, first semester, fo11r-th year. 92. Ovrn-The i\•letamorphoses and mythology are studied. The text is Miller's. Five hours a week, second semt!stcr, fourth year. MATHEMATh;S, PROf£SSOR F1TZPATRICK, AND M1S5ES ALI.EN AND W1LLIAMSON. 93. ARITHMF.TIC-A systematic course is given in general and practical principles. The text is White's Complete Arithmetic. Five hours a week fhrougho11t the first :vear. 94. ALGEBRA-This course is for beginners. The text is Went– worth's Elementary. Five ho11rs a.week thro11glw11t the second year. 95. ALGEBRA-This course is advanced work, beginning with quadratics and completing \1/entworth's Elementary. Five hours a week, first semester, third year. 96. GEOMETRY-Plane Geometry. giving work in theorems and original exercises, is begun. The text is \Ventworth's. Five hours a week, scco11d semester, third year. 97. GF:OMETRY-Plane Geometry is completed, and Solid Geom– etry and Conic Sections are taken up and finished. The text is Wentworth's. Five ho11rs a week tliro11gliout the fo11rth year. SCIENCE. PROFESSOR PALMER. g8. GEOGRAPHY-Descriptive and Physical Geography is taught. The texts are Redway and H inman's Natural Advanced in Dcscrip– -45-
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