1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. tive, and Gilbert and Brigham's in Physical Geography. Five liour.s a week, seco11d .semester, seeo11d )'Car. 99. Pttvstcs--The fundamental principles with laboratory work are presented. The text is Carhart and Chute's. Five hours a week, first semester, fourth year. 100. B1oux;v-This is a course in physiology, zOOlogy, and botany. The text is Bailey and Coleman's. Five hours a week, scco11d semester, fo11rlh )'Car. RATES OF TU ITION IN PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, The fee for instruction in the Preparatory Department is sixteen dollars per semester, payable upon the opening day. T his includes the tuition fee of thirteen dollars and the con– tingent fee of three dollars. The graduation and diploma fee, payable with tuition at the beginning of the second semester of the fourth year, is five dollars. For an estimate of expenses, see Summary of Expenses for a year in the Collegiate Department.