1909-1910 Academic Catalog

CEDARV/lLE COLLEGE. TEACHERS' COURSE. The figures to the right of the subject refer to the courses described in the Collegiate and Preparatory Departments of Study. FIRST YEAR. First Semester. English Grammar, 76. Arithmetic, 93. General History, 85. Elementary Physics, 99. History of Education, 55. Second Semester. English Grammar, 76. Arithmetic, 9.1. U. S. History, 86. Physiology and Botany, Pedagogy, 56. SECOND YEAR. First Semester. English Literature, 17. Civics, 75. Psychology, 59. Rhetoric, 15. School 1\lanagement, 57. Seco11d S.:mester. American Literature, 18. Geography, 98. Sociology, 70. Rhetoric, 16. School Supervision, ,S8.