1909-1910 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. The Alumni Association was organized in 18g7, with the graduation of the first class. It is devoted to the welfare of the College, and most of the graduates are members. It has already materially aided the College by influence and means. The following are the officers: President, Rev. C. A. Young, A.B., 'oo.. . .Philadelphia, Pa. Corresponding Secretary. Leroy T. l\larshall, Ph.B., '07.. . . . . .Cedarville, Ohio Secretary and Treasurer. Carrie Finney, A.B., 'o8.. . ......Cedarville, Ohio Vice-Presidents. Joseph Finney, A.B., 'c6,. \.Yalter Shaw, Ph.B., 'o6.. Frank Bull, A.8., '04.. l\fary Ervin, A.B., '02.. Rev. Thomas R. Turner, A.B., '99.. -58- . ........Cedarville, Ohio . ........Columbus, Ohio .... ....Shelbyville, Ind. . ..Cedarville, Ohio . ...New Texas, Pa.
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