1910-1911 Academic Catalog

JEANNE'Fl'E M. O RR, A.~l., Associate Professor of English. MARY B. ERVIN, A.B., Associate Professor of Ancient La11gt1ages. ADA ALLEN, A.B., Instructor in Science and Mathematics. FLORENCE). W ILLIAMSON. l nstructor in ).lathematic;;, BERTHA A. STORr-.•IONT, Instn1ctor in Latin. DEWITT SCHUYLER MORGAN. l11struc1or in i\lathcmatics. FRANKLIN S. FOX, A.M., Professor of Oratory. Direclor of the Orotoricol Depllrlment. ,ms. JESSIE RLlSSELL, Professor of Music, nirrctor of the Drparlment of il111sic. D. A. PATTON, Instructor in Violin and Cornet. JOHN D. OVERHOLT, PH.B., Director of AtMetics. FLORENCE FORBES, Librarian. T. V. ILIFFE, Janitor. -9-