1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. BUILDINGS. COLLEGE HALL. The erection of the new College building was begun in the Spring of 1895, and completed late in the Autumn of the same year. The corner-stone was laid with impressive services June 25, 1895, and the dedication took place dllring the meeting of the General Synod in 1\1:ay, 18g6. The build– ing stands in a campus of nine acres, containing about three hundred trees and all beautifully located on the main street, north end of Cedarville. It is a handsome edifice of pressed brick and cut stone. On the first floor are the chapel, the president's office, class rooms for music, German, mathe– matics, and the main and side entrance corridors. On the second floor are a waiting room, the Greek and Latin, sci– ence, English, economics recitation rooms and the physical and chemical laboratories. Two large society halls occupy the entire third floor. Two wide and gently ascending stair– ways, one on each side of the building, lead from the base– ment to the third story. The building is lighted with natural gas and electricity. and heated by furnaces. There are en– trances from each of the four sides. Standing in the center of the campus on the highest site in Cedarville, the building presents an attractive and imposing appearance. ALFORD MEMORIAL GYMNASIUM, During the holiday season of 1902, Mr. W. J. Alford presented to the College the church building and beautiful grounds, formerly the property of the Reformed Presby– - r4-