1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE. COLLEGE. SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. LECTURES AN D ENTERTAINM ENTS. A lecture cour!-e is maintained t1nder the control of different Cedarville organizations. The best talent of our country and of foreign lands is secured. The course is very popular, and it will be the aim to make it better each season. The students, therefore, have opportunity to hear the best public speakers and entertainers of the day. In addition, chapel lectures are given every :\Ionday by mem– bers of the Faculty and others. A THLETICS. Athletic exercises are encouraged by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees. They are under the personal super– vision of the President and the Director of Athletics. On the college campus there arc tennis courts, baseball and football grounds. Several basketball clubs representing both sexes are organized from year to year. They conduct their games in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. An Ath– letic Association, formed by the students, helps to stimulate field sports. Students deficient in their studies will not be permitted to participate in intercollegiate games. LITERA RY SOCIETIES. The Philadelphian Society was organized in the Fall of 1894, and the Philosophic during the F.tll of 18g5. Both societies have been making successful progress. They occupy two large, well furnished halts in the third story of -16-