1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLE.GE . College H all. T hese societies are under the control of the students. T hus having the management in their own hands, they tend to develop originality and independence of thought and action. During the past few years the societies have beautified their halls at the expense of sev– eral hundred dollars. Literary exercises are required of the students. A LFORD PRIZES. Through the generosity of Rev. John Alford. D.D., of Beaver Falls. Pa .. a prize of ten dollars is offered each semester to the literary society obtaining the greatest aver– age of accredited points in literary work. BIBLE READI NG CONTEST . Through the generosity of Rev. John Alford, D.D., Beaver Falls, Pa., and Mr. George Nevin, Marissa, Ill., a Bible reading contest was started in 1907. From fifteen to twenty students generally participate in this contest. INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATES. At least one debate is held each year between Cedarville and some other college. During recent years, such contests have been held with VVilmington and Muskingum Colleges. In 1909 a girls' debate with Muskingum, believed to be the first girls' intercollegiate debate on record, resulted in a victory for Cedarville. ORATORICAL A SSOCIATION. Cedarville College is a member of the Ohio Intercol– legiate Oratorical Association. which. in turn, is a division of the Interstate Association. including eleven of the leading -17 -