1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. States of the Middle \Vest. A preliminary oratorical contest is held during the first term of each year, the winner repre– senting the College in the State contest. The winner of the latter represents the State of Ohio in the interstate contest. This association with which the College is connected is the oldest and largest oratorical association in the United States, many of the eminent statesmen and orators of the day having received much of their early training in its contests. ORATORICAL CONTESTS. In addition to the preliminary contest to choose the rep– resentative for the State contest. two other oratorical con– tests, one for Jarlies, near the close of the first semester. and one for men, near the close of the second semester, are held. prizes being given' to the winners of first and second places. THE GAVEL CLUB. The Gavel Club was organized in November, 1905, with the avowed object of furnishing training to its members in "the technic of conducting public meetings." This was in answer to a long-felt want on the part of the college men. who upon graduation find themselves in positions requiring a thorough knowledge of parliamentary law. The work of the club since organization has been most instructive. Ques– tions of public policy are discussed, furnishing fine training in extemporaneous speaking. as well as in the various ques– tions of parliamentary law. TH E GAVELYTE. The Gavel),te is a monthly magazine reflecting the thought and life of the College. The first number appeared -18-