1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLCCI!.. helping hand physically, intellectually, morally, and spirit– ually to all the young men, thereby aiming to develop the whole man in the truest and best sense. Its devotional and business meetings are held every week. Brnu: AND M1ss10N STUDY. Bible and mission study classes, organized and controlled by the Y. :M. C. A., are conducted by competent teachers. They meet once a week and arouse new interest in the progress of the Kingdom of God in the past and in the present. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIAT ION. The Y. \V. C. A. of Cedarville College was organized in 1909. It maintains all of those characteristic activities which have mar 1 e this organization such a power for good among the college girls of America. Devotional and busi– ness meetings are held once a week.