1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. New students arc requested to present themselves, if pos– sible, at least one day before the opening of the term. 8. At the close of each semester, statements with refer– ence to the students' standing in classes, scholarship, attend– ance, and deportment will be forwarded for examination to the parents or guardians. 9. As many justifiable absences will be allowed each semester in any subject as the number of hours it recites a week. 10. All students are required to become active members of the literary societies, and each student must receive sixty– five credits a semester in order to secure credits in class work. REQU IREM ENTS FOR A D M ISSION. Any one who desires to enter any of the departments of Cedarville College should read carefully the Special Rules and Statements, should examine the Courses of Study and Departments o f Instruction and the following statements. MATRICULATION. I. Any person of good character may be matriculated as a student of Cedarville College on the following con– ditions: 1 . Payment of tuition and contingent fees, or satis– factory arrangements for the same, for which a receipt or certificate properly signecl by the Registrar or Treasurer will be sufficient. 2. The prospective student shall register his name with the name and address of a parent or responsible reference under the following pledge: