1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. "I do hereby subscribe myself a student of Cedarville College, and furthermore solemnly promise that, while 1 am a student in this College, I will be diligent in study, punctual in attendance upon reci– tations and chapel, strictly moral in language and conduct, respectful to officers and teachers of the College, and I will faithfully conform to all College requirements, obey all College laws, and in all ways maintain strict College decorum." AGE. II. As a general rule, no student will be admitted to the Freshman Class unless fifteen years of age; nor will any one be admitted to advanced standing without correspond– ing increase of age. Under this rule, students should be at least eleven years of age for admission to the First Pre– paratory year. CO-EDUCATION. III. Experience has proved that the sexes should be educated together. It tends to higher culture, more refined taste. and better order than where this practice is not fol– lowed. Accordingly, both sexes are admitted under the rule adopted in 1894. EN ROLLMENT AN D CERTIFICATES. IV. An applicant for admission to the Preparatory De– partment or to the Collegiate Department shall file with the President of the College on or before the opening day of the first semester, September 14, 1910, a certificate from his or her principal instructor, containing a definite statement of subjects upon which a successful examination has been passed. V. Students having regular High School diplomas or Academic diplomas or equivalents should also present the -23-