1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDAl?VJLLE COLU":G"E. requested to exa1ni11e the P reparatory Department; and, if they are lacking in any studies, to exert all efforts to make them up before entering the Freshman Class, otherwise they will be conditioned at their own inconvenience. XII. Xo student will be conditioned in more than two regular studies running throughout the year. Students de– siring to enter the Senior Collegiate Class will not be admit– ted with conditions. XIII. Applicants for admis~ion to the First Prepar– atory year will be examined in the following subjects prior to entering: Reading, Geography, U . S. History, Physiology, Penman– ship, Drawing, Orthography, Arithmetic, English Grammar. Patterson certificates or satisfactory grades from public schools will excuse an applicant from examinations in above subjects. XIV. Applicants for admis~ion to any class above the First Preparatory shall, in addition to the above, either pre– sent satisfactory grc.des or certificates or pass examinations in all subjects already pursued by the class which they desire to enter. XV. Students desiring to pursue one or more subjects less than a full course shall matricul~tc, and then attend such course as the Faculty advise, but they will not be regarded as candidates for degrees. XVI. Students who wish to pursue studies in Oratory or Music as well as in the College, but who are not study– ing for a degree, may select their own studies, subject to the schedule o f the semester and the approval of the Presi– dent. They will, however, be charged the regular rates o f the departments in which they are clas~ifiecl. -25-