1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. COURSES O F STU DY. Four courses of study are offered in the Collegiate De– partment, the Classical, the Philosophical, the Scientific. and the Literary. The Classical Course emphasizes Latin and Greek; the Philosophical, Latin, German, and Philos– ophy; the Scientific, German, French, mathematics, and natural science; the Literary, German, F rench, and English. The degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) is conferred upon students completing any one of these courses. REQUIREMENT S FOR A DMISSION. Graduates o f the Preparatory Department of Cedarville College will be admitted to the rank of F reshman in the Collegiate Department without examination. Graduates of approved high schools and other institutions offering pre– paratory work to the amount of 16 units will be admitted without conditions to the Freshman Class. Candidates for admission to any of the courses must present 4 units in Latin. 4 in mathematics. 3 in English. 1 in history. 1 in natural science. and I selected from English, history, civics, modern languages or science. Candidates for the Classical Course must. in additio;,, present 2 units in Greek. Candidates for the Philosophical Course must present 2 units in German .