1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Candidates for the Scientific and Literary Courses must present 2 units in either Greek, German, French, or 2 units in English. history, civics or science. DEFINITION OF UNIT. A unit consists of five hours' work per week in a given ~ubject throughout one year. CRE DITS REQUIRED FOR CLASSIFICATION. No one shall be classed as a Freshman who is con– ditioned in more than 2 units in the Preparatory Depart– ment. Full Freshman standing requires the completion of 16 units in preparatory work. No one shall be classed as a Sophomore who has not completed 30 collegiate credits. Full Sophomore standing requires the completion of 40 credits. ' No one shall be classed as a Junior who has not com– pleted 67 collegiate credits. Full Junior standing requires 76 credits. No one shall be classed as a Senior who has not com– pleted 103 credits. Full Senior standing requires r 12 credits. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. In each course the requirement for graduation is r42 credits. DEFINITION OF CREDIT. A credit is one recitation a week for one semester. A student completing 20 hours of collegiate work a week for a semester receives 20 credits, and if such work is continued for a year he receives 40 credits. -27-