1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Senior Year. J,'irst Semester. 3 Ethics-Theoretical and Prac– tical, JS. J Economics-Principles, 13. 3 Philosophy-History of Phi– losophy, 97. 6 Elective. .'iccoud .'l'c111cstcr. { l\'atural Theo! 3 Apologetics- Cl~r~~li:::dEvi- dcnces, 1. J Sociology-General, 109. J Psychology-Advanced, 99. 6 Elective. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Freshman Year. First Semester. 4 French-Beginning, 39. ! 4 German-Schiller, 47, o, s German-Beginning, 44. 4 English-Rhetoric, 28. 4 Chemistry-General, 9. 4 Mathematics-Algebra, 90. Second Semester. ➔ French-Beginning, 39. ~ 4 German:I·Ieine, 48, l s German-Beginning, 44. 4 English-Rhetoric, 29. 4 Chemistry-General, 9. 4 :\lathcmatics-Trigonometry, 9'- Sophomore Year. First Semester. 3 French-Reading and Con- versation, 40. f 3 German~Goethe, 49, ~ 5 German-Reading and Com- l position, 45. 3 Physics-General, 101. 3 Bible-Old Testament, 3. 4 Mathematics-Analytical Ge– ometry, 92. J Elective. Second Semester. J French-Reading and Compo– sition, 41. ~ 3 German:Goethe, 50, ls German-Wilhelm Tell, 46. J Physics-General, 101. 3 Bible-New Testament, 4. 4 Mathematics-Surveying, 93. 3 Elective. -31-