1910-1911 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Junior Year. First Semester. Scco11d Semester. 3 Biology-General, 7. J Biology-Botany, 8. 3 Psychology-General, g8. J l_ogic-lntroductory, 84. 3 Chemistry-Qualitative Analy• J Chemistry--Qualitative Analy- sis, 10. "is. 10. 9 Elective. 9 Elective. Senior Year. First Semester. J Ethics-Theoretical and Prac- tical, JS, 3 Economics-Principles, 13. 3 Astronomy-General, 2. 6 Elective. Second Semcster. { Xatural The- J Apologetics- Cl~\:~na;~,i- dences. 1. J Sociology-General. 109. 3 Geology-General, 43. 6 Elective. L ITERA RY COU RSE. Freshman Year. First Semester. -4 French-Beginning, 39. l 4 German-Schiller, 47, o, 5 Ccrman-Beginning, 44- ➔ English-Rhetoric. 28. -4 Chemistry-General. 9. -4 ~lathematics-Algebra. 90. Seco11d Semester. 4 French-Beginning, 39. l 4 German-Heine, 48. o, s German-Beginning, 44 4 English-Rhe1oric, 29- ➔ Chemistry-General, 9. -4 Mathematics-T rigonometry, 9'- -32 -
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