1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Sophomore Year. First Semester. J French-Reading and Con- versation, 40. { J Cerman~Coclhe, 49, 5 Ccrm~,~-Reading and Com– pos1t1on, 45. J Physics-General, 101. J Bible-Old T estament, J. J English-English Literature, 30. J Elective. Second Semester. 3 French-Reading and Compo- sition, 41. l J Cerman~Gocthe, 50, 5 German-Wilhelm T ell, 46. J Physics-Genera!, IOI. 3 Bible-New Testament, 4. J English-American Literature, JL J Elcctin~. Junior Year. First Semester. J Biology-General, 7. J Psychology-Ccncral, 98. J English-Poetry, 32. 9 Elective. Seco11d Semester. 3 Biology-Botany, 8. 3 Logic-Introductory, 84. J E11glish-Sbakcspcarc, 33. 9 Elective. Senior Year, First Semester. J Ethics-Theoretical and Prac- tical, 38. 3 Economics-Principles, 13. 3 English- The Essay, 34. 6 Elective. Second Semester. Natural The– . _ ' ology and 3 Apologetics-") Christian Evi- ( denccs, 1. 3 Sociology-General, 1o;i. J English-The Novel, 35. 6 Elective. - 33-