1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE!. COLLEGE. ENGINEERING DEPART MENT. SCOPE O F T HE WORK . To meet the needs of those who are preparing for civil, mechanical, mining. chemical, and sanitary engineering. a two years' course is offered, giving the work usually re– quired during the first two years in the best schools of engin– eering. After finishing the two years' engineering course. students. if they desire to do so. can complete the Scientific Course in the Collegiate Department in two years, and thus obtain the Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) degree, as all work taken in the Engineering Course will be given collegiate credit. Or a certificate will be given upon the completion of the two years· course. showing the amount and quality of work done, and thus obtaining for the student admission to advanced standing in engineering schools. Students preparing for admission to advanced standing in particular engineering schools may select such studies from the Engineering Course or from any of the Collegiate or Preparatory Courses as will meet their individual needs, and a certificate showing the nature and extent of the courses pursued will be given.