1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLl!.GE. ENGINEERING COURSE. The figures to the left of the subjects denote the number of reci• talion hours per week The figures to the right refer to the courses described in the Departments of Instruction. Freshman Year. First Se,nester. 4 English-Rhetoric, 28. { 4 French-Beginning, 39, o, S German-Beginning, 44, o, l 4 German-Schiller, 47. 4 Chemistry-General, 9- 4 Mathematics-Algebra, 90. 4 Drawing-Mechanical, 12. Second Semuter. 4 English-Rhetoric, 29. { 4 French-Beginning, 39, o, 5 German-Beginning, 44, oc 4 German-Heine, 48. 4 Chemistry-General, 9. 4 Mathematics-Trigonometry, 9'- 4 Drawing-Mechanical, 12. Sophomore Year. First Semester. Seco,id Semester. j J French----:-Rcading and Con- ! J Fre_n~h-Reading and Compo- vcrsatlon, 40, s1t1on, 41, or or 5 German-Reading and Com- 5 German-Wilhelm Tell, 46, position, 45, or or J German-Goethe, 50. 3 German-Goethe, 49. J Chemistry-Qualitative Analy- 3 Chemistry-Qualitative Analy- sis, 10. sis, 10. -i l\lathematics-Surveying, 93. 4 l\fathematics-Analytical Ce- 4 l\Jathematics-Calculus, 94. ometry, 92. J Physics-General, 101. 4 Mathematics-Calculus, 94 3 Economics-Labor Problems, 3 Physics-General, 101. 16. 3 Economics-Principles, 13. -36-