1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. TEACHERS' COURSE. The figures to the left of the subjects denote the number of reci– tation hours per week. The figures to the right refer to the courses described in the Departments of Instruction. First Yea r. First Semester. 5 English-Grammar and Com– position, 25. S Mathematics-Arithmetic, 85. 5 History-Ancient and l\'ledie– val, 59. 5 Physics-Elementary, 100. 3 Education-History of Educa– tion, 20. Second Semester. 5 English-Grammar and Com– position, 25. S i\fathcmatics-Arithmetic, 85. 5 History-Modem and Ameri– can, 6o. 5 Biology-Elementary, 6. 5 Education-Principles of Ped• agogy, 21. Second Year. First Semester. 3 English-English Literature, JO. 5 Civics-United States Govern- ment, 103. 3 Psychology-General, 98. 4 English-Rhetoric, 28. 3 Education-School Manage– ment, 22. Second Semester. J English-American Literature, JL S Geography-Descriptive and Physical, 42. 3 Education-School Law and Reading Circle Text, 24. 4 English-Rhetoric, 29. ,1 Education-School Supervis• ion, 23.