1910-1911 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. COURSES OF ST U DY. Two courses are offered in the Preparatory Department: one, requiring two years of Greek, is preparatory to the Classical Course; the other, requiring two years of German. is preparatory to the Philosophical, Scientific, and L iterary Courses of the Collegiate Department. Upon the comple– tion of either of these courses a diploma of graduation will be given. OUTL IN E O F COU RSES. The figures to the left of the subjects denote the number of reci- 1a.1ion hours per week. The figures to the right refer to the courses described in the Departments of Instruction. First Year. First Semester. 5 English-Grammar and Com– position, 25. 5 Mathematics-Arithmetic, 85. s History-Ancient and Medic• val, 59. 5 Latin-Beginning, 67. Seco11d Semester. 5 English-Grammar and Com• position, 25. 5 Mathematics-Arithmetic, 85. 5 History-i\[odern and Amcri• can, 6o. s Latin-Beginning, 67. Second Year-. First Semester. 5 English-Rhetoric and Liter• ature, 26. 5 ;\lathematics, Algebra, 86. 5 Civics-United States Govern• ment, 103. 5 Latin-C::esar and Composi• tion, 68. Secoiid Semester. 5 English-Rhetoric and Liter– ature, 26. 5 :\[athematics-Algebra, 86. S Geography-Descriptive and Physical, 42. 5 Latin-C::esar and Composi– tion, 68. -39-